11 April 2011

I am deaf to instrumental Music...

I have only  three hobbies
1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Listening to SONGS

My third hobby is misunderstood many times. I listen to the songs not the plain instrumental music. Have tried listening to instrumental music of great artists of the world. Kunnakudi Vaidyanathan's violin, Chitti Babu's Veena, Hariprasad's Flute, Kadri Gopalnath' Sax, Sikkil Sister's Flute, etc. Nothing has moved my mind. Even Beethoven's symphony never impressed me. For me music means it should contain lyric in it. Otherwise my brains interprets it as a noise and head-ache is triggered.

I always wonders what's wrong with me? I am fine even listening just the vocal part of the song. Why can't I enjoy the instrumentals or the Karaoke of my favourite songs by ARR and Ilayaraja? I can't  recognize the popular songs also till the vocal part(pallavi or charanam)  of the song comes. 

My be my hears/brains cells are not programmed to understand the music part of the song!!!!!


Written by Subhash Narayanan

Germany is a highly industrialized country. It produces top brands like Benz, BMW, and Siemens etc. The nuclear reactor pump is made in a small town in this country. In such a country, many will think its people lead a luxurious life. At least that was my impression before my study trip.                                           
When I arrived at Hamburg , my colleagues who work in Hamburg arranged a welcome party for me in a restaurant. As we walked into the restaurant, we noticed that a lot of tables were empty. There was a table where a young couple was having their meal. There were only two dishes and two cans of beer on the table. I wondered if such simple meal could be romantic, and whether the girl will leave this stingy guy.                  

There were a few old ladies on another table. When a dish is served, the waiter would distribute the food for them, and they would finish every bit of the food on their plates.  

We did not pay much attention to them, as we were looking forward to the dishes we ordered. As we were hungry, our local colleague ordered more food for us.

As the restaurant was quiet, the food came quite fast. Since there were other activities arranged for us, we did not spend much time dining. When we left, there was still about one third of unconsumed food on the table.                         

 When we were leaving the restaurant, we heard someone calling us. We noticed the old ladies in the restaurant were talking about us to the restaurant owner. When they spoke to us in English, we understood that they were unhappy about us wasting so much food. We immediately felt that they were really being too busybody.  "We paid for our food, it is none of your business how much food we left behind," my colleague Gui told the old ladies.                             
The old ladies were furious. One of them immediately took her hand phone out and made a call to someone. After a while, a man in uniform claimed to be an officer from the Social Security organization arrived. Upon knowing what the dispute was, he issued us a 50 Mark fine.    
We all kept quiet. The local colleague took out a 50 Mark note and repeatedly apologized to the officer. The officer told us in a stern voice, "ORDER WHAT YOU CAN CONSUME, "MONEY IS YOURS BUT RESOURCES BELONG TO THE SOCIETY". THERE ARE MANY OTHERS IN THE WORLD WHO ARE FACING SHORTAGE OF RESOURCES. YOU HAVE NO REASON TO WASTE RESOURCES.´?                   


Written by Subhash Narayanan

22 May 2010



- அவினேனி நா.பாஸ்கரன்

இந்த அக்டோபரோடு
இருபத்தி ஒன்றாகிறது உன் அகவை
கடந்து செல்லும் அத்தனை
ஆட்டோக்களும் நினைவுபடுத்துகின்றன
உனக்கு மாப்பிள்ளை பார்க்கவேண்டிய

நன்றாகப் படித்து
பட்டமும் பெற்றுப் பணிக்கும்
செல்கின்றாய் - கைநிறைய
காசும் பெறுகின்றாய்

எப்படித் தேடுவேன்
யார் நல்லார் என்று ?
எங்கு பார்ப்பேன்
உன்னை மனங்கலங்காமல்
கவனிக்கும் ஓர் உயரிய ஆண்மகனை ?

எவரையேனும் காதலிக்கிறாயா என்றேன்
நீ காதலிக்கும் அளவுக்கு நேர்த்தியான
ஆண்மகனை சந்திக்கவில்லையென்றாய்

என் நண்பர்கள் யாருக்குமே
உனை மணக்கும் தகுதி இல்லை
உன்னுடைய நண்பர்களையும்
பரிசீலனை செய்துப் பார்த்தேன்
ஒருவரும் தேறவில்லை

இலட்சங்களும் தங்க ஆபரணமும்
கேட்கும் நபர்களை ஆண்கள் என்றே
ஏற்க இயலவில்லை என்னால்

அன்றாடம் காய்ச்சியாய் வாழும்
சில நல்லுள்ளங்கள் இருக்கிறார்கள்தான்
ஆனால் உனை இராணியாய் வைத்துகாக்க
இயலாது அவர்களால்
ஊண் வருத்தி நீ சிரமப்படுவதை
சகிக்க முடியாது என்னால்

நம் வீட்டில் ஒன்றும் தங்கத்தட்டில்
உண்ணும் செல்வச் செழிப்பு இல்லைதான்
பருத்தியாடைகளும் கேழ்வரகு கூழுமாய்த்தான்
செல்லுமிடத்திலாவது நீ செழித்திருக்க
வேண்டுமென விரும்புகிறது நெஞ்சு

அதற்கே தேடுகிறேன்
அன்பும் பண்பிலும் செல்வச்செழிப்பிலும்
சிறந்திருக்கும் சான்றோனாய்

இராமனே பிறப்பெடுத்து வந்தாலும்
மறுத்துவிடுவேன் - மென்மையான
உன்னால் இயலாது தங்கையே
பிரச்சினைகள் பலவற்றில் போராடிச்
சீதையாய் சிதிலப்பட

'போராடுவதுதான் வாழ்க்கை ' என்
கருத்தை எனக்கே சொல்கிறாயா ? - அது
உனக்கல்ல என் அன்புத்தங்கையே...
எனக்கும் என்னைத்
தொடர்வோர்க்கும் மட்டும்தான்.


Published in Thinnai.com on 19 August 2001 

Original Link :  http://www.thinnai.com/?module=displaystory&story_id=30108196&format=html

Here is the PDF version if you are unable to see the fonts properly -


கொட்டிவிட்ட காதல்....

கொட்டிவிட்ட காதல்....

- அவினேனி நா.பாஸ்கரன்

பதினாறு முதலே எங்கும் சிந்திவிடாமல்
மனதிலே சேமித்துவந்தேன் முழுக்காதல்
மனமுதிர்ந்தபின் வரவேண்டுமென்று

பன்னிரண்டாம் வகுப்பில்
கவிதாவின் குறுகுறு கண்கள் பட்டு
சிறு ஓட்டைவிழுந்துவிட
உடனடியாய் அடைத்துவிட்டேன்

கல்லூரி இரண்டாம் ஆண்டில்
காதல் கீதல் என்று ஏதேதோ
உளறிய உயிர்த் தோழியிடம்
'இதெல்லாம் இனக்கவர்ச்சி 'யென
அறிவுரை சொல்லி

கல்லூரி செல்லும் காலைநேரப்
பேருந்தில் கவிதை கொழிக்கும்
விழிகளோடு அனுதினமும்
அம்பெய்திய பெயர்தெரியாத
பேருந்தின் ஓர் உலுக்கலில் உடம்போடு
மனசும் உரசிக்கொள்ள
மனதை கட்டிப்போட இயலாது
பேருந்தை மாற்றிக்கொண்டேன்

வேறு சில சில்லென்ற சந்தர்பங்களிலும்
சிறகு முளைத்த மனது
பறக்க துடிக்கையிலெல்லாம்
வெட்டி வைத்து கட்டிவைத்தேன்

உள்ளக்காதல் அத்தனையும்
உனக்காக சுமந்துவந்தேன்
உன் ஒவ்வொரு அசைவிலும்
உருகியுருகி காதல் வளர்த்துவந்தேன்
காதல் கண்கொண்டுப் பார்த்ததினால்
உனக்குள் காதல் உள்ளதை கண்டுகொண்டேன்

சரியான ஒரு சாயங்கால பொழுதில்
மனதில் கனத்தக் காதலை
உனக்கு பகிர்ந்தளிக்க பதறியபொழுதுதான்
நீயும் காதலிப்பதாய்
காதலன் நான் அல்லன்
என்று அறிந்தபொழுதே
அறுந்து விழுந்துவிட்டேன்

காதலிக்கப்பட்டபொழுதும் இல்லை - மனதை
கட்டிவைத்தபொழுதும் இல்லை - அவளை
காதலித்தபொழுதும் இல்லை - எனது
காதல் நிராகரிக்கப்பட்டபொழுதும் இல்லை
நேற்றுவரை என்னை தூண்டிவிட்டு
வேடிக்கை பார்த்தவர்கள்
இன்று என்னை பார்க்கிற பார்வை
அப்பப்பா அந்த பார்வையில் தான்
எத்தனை விஷமங்கள்
அரளியை அரைத்தல்லவா
எல்லாம் சோகத்தின் மறு உருவாய்
நெஞ்சை அழுத்திக்கொள்கிறது.
காதல் நிராகரிப்பையும் தாங்கிக்கொண்ட
என் நெஞ்சே!
ஏன் இந்த போக்கற்றவர்களின்
பார்வைகளுக்கு பயம் கொள்கிறாய் ?


Published in Thinnai.com on 12 August 2001

Original Link : 


Here is the PDF version if you are unable to see the fonts properly -


18 March 2010

mainAyE mainAvE...

అది ఒక మాఘమాసపు సందెవేళ.

గోదావరీ తీరం, పోతపోసిన ఇసుక.

సలసలమని సవ్వడి చేస్తూ నడుస్తుంది నది

చుట్టు పచ్చని దుప్పటి పరిచినట్టున్న వరిపొలాలు.

కంటికి కనపడే వరకు ఎవరూలేని ఏకాంతం.

తన మేను తాకీ తాకించకుండ రవి చెయ్యి పట్టుకుని

నడుస్తుంది మాధవి.

పడమటి సూర్యుడు వాళ్ళ తీరు చూసి సిగ్గుపడి దాగ్కుంటున్నాడు.

చల్లగాలి తన విసురును కొంచం పెంచి వాళ్ళను మైమరిపిస్తుంది...

మాధవి కళ్ళల్లోకి చూశాడు. కైపెక్కిస్తున్నాయి. ముద్దుపెట్టుకోవాలనిపించిన తన

కోరికను మౌనంలో కరిగించేశాడు...

మాధవి మాత్రం మనసులో అనుకుంటుంది, "కొంచం హద్దు దాటచ్చుగా?"

ఇక మన తప్పుకుందాం. ఇకపై గురువుగారు వేటూరికి అప్పచెప్పేద్దాం వాళ్ళిద్దరిని...


చిత్రం : మా అన్నయ్య

గానం : ఉన్నికృష్ణన్ & చిత్ర

సంగీతం : ఎస్. ఏ. రాజ్ కుమార్

రచన : వేటూరి సుందరరామముర్థి

||పల్లవి ||


మైనాయే మైనావే మన్మథ మాసం

అయినా ఎంతైనా ఇది మెత్తని మోసం

తీయనైన తీరిక తీర్చమంది కోరిక

నీకు తోడు నేనిక నీవు లేక లేనిక

సాగు అల్లిక కొన సాగనీ ఇక

పూల మాలిక చెలి పూజకే ఇక


మైనాయే మైనావే మన్మథ మాసం

అయినా ఎంతైనా ఇది మెత్తని మోసం

||చరణం 1||

విరహాల నిట్టూర్పు విరజాజి ఓదార్పు

చలిగాలి సాయంత్రాల స్వాగతమే

పైపైకొచ్చే తాపాలు పైటమ్మిచ్చే శాపాలు

ఎదతోనే ముందుగచేసే కాపురమే

ఎవరేమైనా ఎదురేమైనా నేనేమైనా నీవేమైనా

ఈ పూవుల్లో పూవై నిను పూజిస్తూ ఉన్నా

||చరణం 2 ||

సందెపొద్దు నేరాలు అందమైన తీరాలు

దాటేస్తే కాదన్నానా ఎపుడైనా

కవ్విస్తున్న నీ కళ్ళు కైపెక్కించే పోకళ్ళు

కాటేస్తే కాదంటానా ఇపుడైనా

వయసేమైనా సొగసేమైనా మైమరపించే మనసేమైనా

నవ్వు నవరాత్రి తీసుకు వస్తున్నా      

In RTS Format :

adi oka maaghamaasapu sandevELa.
gOdAvarii teeram, pOtapOsina isuka.
salasalamani savvaDi chEstU naDustundi nadi
chuTTu pacchani duppaTi parichinaTTunna varipolaalu.
kanTiki kanapaDE varaku evarUlEni EkaantaM.
tana mEnu taakii taakinchakunDa ravi cheyyi paTTukuni
naDustundi maadhavi.

paDamaTi sUryuDu vALLa teeru choosi siggupaDi daagkunTunnaaDu.
challagaali tana visurunu koncham penchi vaaLLanu maimaripistundi...

maadhavi kaLLallOki chUSaaDu. kaipekkistunnaayi. muddupeTTukOvAlanipinchina tana
kOrikanu mounamlO kariginchESADu...
maadhavi maatram manasulO anukunTundi, "konchaM haddu dATacchugaa?"

ika mana tappukundAM. ikapai guruvugaaru vETUriki appacheppEddaam vaaLLiddarini...


chitraM : mA annayya
gAnaM : unnikRshNan & chitra
sangItaM : es. E. rAjkumAr
rachana : vETUri sundararAmamurthi

pallavi :

mainaayE mainaavE manmatha mAsaM
ayinaa entainaa idi mettani mOsaM
teeyanaina teerika teerchamandi kOrika
neeku tODu nEnika neevu lEka lEnika
saagu allika kona saaganii ika
pUla maalika cheli pUjakE ika

mainaayE mainaavE manmatha mAsaM
ayinaa entainaa idi mettani mOsaM


virahAla niTTUrpu virajAji OdArpu
chaligaali saayantraala swaagatamE

paipaikocchE taapaalu paiTammicchE Saapaalu
edatOnE mundugachEsE kApuramE

evarEmainaa edurEmainaa nEnEmainaa neevEmainaa

ee pUvullO pUvai ninu pUjistU unnaa

charaNaM 2

sandepoddu nEraalu andamaina teeraalu
dATEstE kaadannaanaa epuDainaa

kavvistunna nee kaLLu kaipekkinchE pOkaLLu
kATEstE kaadanTaanaa ipuDainaa

vayasEmainaa sogasEmainaa maimarapinchE manasEmainaa

navvu navaraatri teesuku vastunnaa

21 December 2009

My Deaf Uncle

It is impossible to predict when any political party or some public groups would call for a Bandh. Of course the reasons are petty most of the times. This time it is due to the demise of veteran Kannada actor.

I received a call from an unknown (local land-line) number. When I attended the call it was 'Deaf' Balu uncle. Since I have two uncles with the same name, most of my relatives identify him only when "Deaf" is prefixed to his name. It is needless to say that he doesn't know about the prefixed name.

"Hello" - I said politely

"Hello, Bhaskar" there was lot of traffic noise on the other end.

"Yes. Bhaskar here. Who is this?"

"It is me, Balu uncle" came in loud voice.

I recognized the voice. "Hello Uncle, how are you. When did you land in here" automatically my voice pitch increased because I am talking to 'Deaf' Balu uncle.

"Not really fine. I have come here this morning and thought of returning by evening. Suddenly some Bandh has been called for, no buses and trains are running"

'Deaf' Balu uncle is into his electronics business in Chennai and visits various cities in India. He runs a small scale electronics business which designs and assembles electronics circuits for simple and small entertainment and day-to-day use applications.

"Yes, I am watching the news on TV"

"How far is this Electronics Bazaar from your place? Can you come and pick me up?" he asked.

"It is not far, give me the exact address I'll come and pick you in 20 minutes" I assured him. I have noted down the address and phone number.

"OK, I am starting right away"

Though he visits Bangalore very often for his business, he never visited me even once in these last 4 years. In general he never socializes with relatives. I don't say he is shy type, as he is very jovial with his friends (of his age group men); that includes my dad. Uncle and my dad were classmates in school days and roommates while working. They stayed together till my dad's marriage. Then uncle married my dad's cousin.

Generally, Balu uncle prefers to stay away from all the family socializing and gossiping. We get to meet him only at two occasions, either marriages or deaths. Rest all the functions and social gatherings are graced by my plump aunt (I don't dare to say fat) and her beautiful slim daughter. Aunt is chatterbox type and uncle is skinny, calm and meek person. On contrary their only daughter is a slim personality with attractive features and complexion.

I was in a dilemma, should I go by car or bike? He is coming to my place for the first time. I should definitely impress him because of his beautiful daughter with whom I am madly in love with. Of course he is innocent about his daughter's love.

I called up Meenu, her colleague answered to tell me that she is doing live coverage of Chennai corporation election results. I changed the TV channel. There she is! In yellow top and blue jeans with mike, Meenu is reporting from the counting station "... It is a tough war for the ruling party as the opposition has won more seats... blah... blah..." I turned the TV off.

Bike would be better as there would be some violence and road block because of the Bandh. If there is any riot, in worst case I can abandon the bike and escape unhurt, with car this may not be possible.

Finally, I kick started my bike, rode through the narrow streets to avoid riots on the main roads. I reached there in 25 minutes of time. The shops were shut. I went to the address and called uncle. The shutter was opened half so that uncle could come out. There was big sigh of relief on his face by seeing me. We safely reached home passing through the narrow lanes. It was 5:30. I gave him my night wears for changing.

Not sure if the news channels are not bored with the repeat play of the same news footages again and again. All the news channels are telecasting the similar visuals on the hot happening of bandh in the Bangalore. We got bored with the news channels. And also about the election results of Chennai corporation.

Uncle couldn't tolerate the TV anymore; he asked me if we have to go out for dinner. 

 In loud voice I asked if he is very hungry.

"Not really now, but need food around 8:30", he said.

"I will cook some food at home; not sure if the hotels in the main road are opened. Else we can go to the 'mess' near by" I suggested.

He nodded his head suspiciously. I went inside the kitchen to start the food preparation. Meanwhile he was browsing my shelves, books, etc. He reached kitchen to check what is happening. I was trying all my best to impress the father of my lover.

"Do we get liquor nearby?" He asked me with a little hesitation. I know he drinks now and then. Not a habitual drinker though.

"There are shops, But they might have closed because of the strike" I replied

"Never bother, you carry on. I will go out for a small walk and check if there are any shops opened" Uncle went out.

After 30 minutes uncle came back and I was done with the cooking.

"All the shops out are closed, only few cyclists and few passer-byes" Uncle complained.

"Uncle, wait a minute. Will be right back" I stepped out.

Went to downstairs to meet landlord. Have seen him many times drinking in his drawing room.

"Hi Bhaskar, How are you? Come in, come in!" Landlord received me.

"I am fine. Do you have any liquor" I asked him. He expressed a big surprise at my question.

"Yes, I have. I thought you never drink"

"No, it is not for me. I have a guest, my uncle from Chennai"

"That's my boy. Wait I'll check"

He brought out two small bottles, one transparent and another reddish brown.

"Not many choices, only two bottles, red wine and champagne. Which one do you want to take?" He asked me as if I know any difference between these.

"I have no knowledge about it. You suggest which one I should offer my uncle?" I stood in confusion.

"If he is very special guest, then take Champagne" Landlord suggested.

I came back with the Champagne bottle. I offered the small cute bottle to my uncle. I could see sparks in his eyes.

"Uncle do you want to take food first?" I asked uncle.

"No, Bhaskar. I'll take food later. Get me a glass and water"

I was studying how he mixes Champagne and water. He did it quite artistically.

"Bhaskar, I don't mind if you want to join. Be like a friend."

"No uncle, I don't drink" I cried. Even if I had a habit, how could I drink in front of a would-be father-in-law?

He started sipping and scanning the TV channels, kept the remote aside when V music appeared on screen. He started singing in jolly mood. The alcohol is doing the trick.

"Bhaskar, do you have office tomorrow?" uncle asked.

I reached the remote to reduce the volume so that he could hear my reply. He waived me not to reduce the TV volume.

"You think I am a deaf?" He asked me straight.

I was not prepared at this question and not able to speak anything and stammered "Mild.... deafness..."

He continued, "Actually, I am not deaf. I am acting mild deafness from 24 years. That is after six months of my marriage" I could see uncle in jovial mood.

"Acting! but why?"

"You know, your Aunt; she is very laziest person one could imagine. She is also a very commanding and demanding person. Your aunt was well brought-up by her parents with all the comforts. After marriage it was everything new for her. She had to manage all the household chores of cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc all by her-self. During those days I genuinely wanted to help her for sometime so that she can slowly learn the household chores. Those days I could afford to spend so much of time helping her around as my job was cool. All the more it was the period where men could go to the end of the world for their newlywed wife. I was fully surrendered to your aunt. Attending her every time she calls for help. She kind of got addicted to all my help and over caring love; and she never bothered to learn to do the house hold-chores alone."

"That's when I was planning to give up my job to start my own business as I had lot of interest in the electronics. I have set-up a small lab at home to experiment my designs. The subject was new, so I had to spend a lot of time at my desk to prove my circuits. Everyday after coming home I eperiment  with my circuits in the lab. Every 10 minute your aunt would call out from the kitchen, sometimes for genuine help, sometimes simply to ask some silly things. Day by day I started feeling that she is becoming more demanding. Sometimes I would be in some important experiment, and she would call me for a silly thing. I would get irritated as I get disturbed for petty things."

"Slowly I started ignoring her calls from the kitchen when I am sitting at my lab desk. She would call out twice or thrice in higher tone. Then she would rush into the lab to ask why I have not responded. For which I innocently ask 'Did you call me, dear? Oh, I haven't heard you'. This continued for some time and she has come to a conclusion that I have mild deafness. This news has slowly spread to all our relatives and friends circles. I didn't want to clarify truth as this idea of mild deaf was very convenient and helpful for me in many ways."

Uncle finished his drink and his story. It was 8:30, I asked uncle to wash hands for dinner. I served him the food which was prepared at most care to impress this 'deaf acting' would-be father-in-law. I didn't need to talk to uncle in high voice during dinner.

I offered him to sleep in the bed room. I came to the living to room to catch-up with Meenu for a regular long phone call before sleep. Meenu was excited about her father's visit to my place. I didn't tell Meenu anything about her father's drink and mild-deaf episode. Talked about general things and ended the phone.

Next day morning uncle didn't talk much and he was back to his shy mood. The bandh was over and the life has begun as usual in the City. I took him to the railway station. He was seated comfortably in the train. I bought him a cool drink bottle and bananas.

The train was about to start, uncle shook my hand "Bhaskar, thanks for everything. Be happy, you don't have to act deaf :) My daughter is such a wonderful and intelligent girl. I am happy that she has chosen a good boy like you. And I am sad that she has not told me about it. She is thinking that I am not aware of it. So I am 'acting blind' to her on this matter."

I tightened my grip, "Uncle, sorry..."

"No, no. Why sorry and all? Call your dad and tell him about your interest towards Meena, he will be very happy".

"Sure Uncle. I'll tell him today itself."

"Take care, my boy. Bye"


17 March 2007

telugu lyrics - vETUri paaTalu - 1.

వేటూరి చిలిపి పాటల్లో ఈ పాటకి కూడా పెద్ద పీట వెయ్యాలి...
గొప్ప చిలిపితనం...ఇంత గొప్ప చిలిపితనం పొంగుతున్న పాటను వేటూరిగాక ఇంకెవరు రాయగలరు చెప్పండి?

చిత్రం : కొండప్ల్లి దొంగ
సంగీతం : మ్యాస్ట్రో ఇళయరాజ
గాయకులు : బాలు, జానకి

పల్లవి :
కోలో కోలమ్మ గళ్ళకోకే కాకెత్తుకెళ్ళ కోరింది ఇచ్చుకోవా
ఇంతకు ముందొకసారి మన హెరొయిన్ కోకని కొండగలెత్తుకు పొయిందండి... ఇది చూసి మన కాకికి కోపమొచ్చి తన సత్తా ఏమిటో చూపించాలనుకుంది...
చేలో నీసోకులన్ని సోలోగ పాడుకుంటా నా ముద్దు పుచ్చుకోవా
లాటుగా అందాలన్నీ చాటుగా ఇస్తావా ఘాటుగా కౌగిళ్ళిచ్చి మాటుకోమంటావా
ఆంగల పాదాలను ఎంత అందంగా తెలుగు పదాలుగా మార్చేశారో

చరణం 1
కొండకోనల్లో చాటుగా ఎత్తుపల్లాలు తెలిసెలే
కంటికోనాలు సూటిగా కొంటె బాణాలు విసిరెలే
సోకి నా ఒళ్ళు కోకలో గళ్ళు పడ్డ నీ వొళ్ళు వదలను
చూపుకే సుళ్ళు తిరిగె నా వొళ్ళు పట్టు కౌగిళ్ళు వదలకు

ఈ లైన్‌లో జానకి గారు మరీ చిలిపిగా పలికించి పులకరింపచేస్తారు
కుదేశాక అందాలన్నీ కుదేళ్ళైన వేళల్లో
అందాల్ని తాకట్టు పెట్టేశాక ఇంకేముందీ? అంతా మన హెరొ గారికే :)
పడేశక వల్లో నన్నే ఒడే చాలు ప్రేమల్లో

చరణం 2

మెత్తగా తాకుచూపుకే మేలుకొన్నాయి సొగసులే
కొత్తగా తాకు గాయమే హాయి అన్నాయి వయసులే
కుఱ్ఱ నా ఈడు గుఱ్ఱమై తన్నే గుట్టుగా గుండెలదరగా
కళ్ళతో నీకు ఖల్లెమేశాను కమ్ముకో నన్ను కుదురుగా
బరోసాల వీరా రారా బరిస్తాను నీ సత్తా
శ్రుతే మించు శృంగారంలో రతే నీకు మేనత్త

వేటూరి గారి చిలిపితనముతో పాటు ఎదిగిన రతి మేనకోడలు, ఈ మధ్య మరో యుగళ గీతం లో "సొంపులకే సొంత మేనత్త" అయ్యింది."చిల్లరి గిత్తా సొంపుల సొంతమేనత్తా మారుస్తా మన్మధగీత తల్లో రాతా" - చిత్రం : అర్జున్.
ముద్దు ఆ వైపు రుద్దు ఈ వైపు హద్దులే లేవులే కోలో...